At Veterinary Vision has made a significant investment in new technology and facilities as it focuses on delivering even better treatment for its pet patients.
There’s also been a significant makeover at Penrith to create a state-of-the-art operating theatre, a dedicated cattery, new dispensary and sterilisation room. All work has been completed with sustainability in mind and includes additional sound proofing, heat proofing, LED lighting and auto switch-off lights in non-high-traffic areas. Clinical director Chris Dixon said: “This investment will make a real difference to the level and range of expert care and treatments we can offer our clients. “We’ve adopted a two-pronged approach and invested in both additional equipment and extra facilities to transform our clinics in Penrith, Sunderland and Charnock. “New operating microscopes and surgical lasers have been installed at each of the clinics. |
“Our Sunderland practice has doubled in size, where we’ve added more kennels and larger-sized ‘walk-in’ kennels for our bigger canine patients and added a separate, dedicated cattery for our feline friends. “Within the Sunderland expansion we have included a purpose-built conference room which we intend to use for CPD sessions post-pandemic. “The size of the waiting room area has tripled, with the benefit of new furniture at Sunderland and Charnock, to make both clinics far more comfortable and welcoming. “We have added an additional operating theatre, cattery, dispensary and sterilisation room at Penrith to cope with the demand for our services.” |