Veterinary Vision offers a dedicated ophthalmology referral service for cases referred throughout the UK.
Our team of fifteen ophthalmologists work within four purpose designed ophthalmology-only practices to provide you with the optimum treatment available.
All types of medical and surgical management options are available at Veterinary Vision for the treatment of ocular disease.
We have produced a number of Factsheets covering a variety of common ocular conditions.
We perform all types of intra-ocular and extra-ocular surgery including:
- Cataract Surgery by phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation
- Retinal Reattachment Surgery
- Lens Luxation Surgery
- Endolaser Surgery for Glaucoma and neoplasia
- Corneal Surgery
- Entropion correction and face-lift surgery
- Eyelid reconstruction
- Cherry eye
- Treatment of distichia and ectopic cilia with cryoepilation
- Orbital Surgery