Vet Vision Director Detects Case of Thelazia Callapaeda in UK
An exotic case of the contagious eye worm infection Thelazia callipaeda has been discovered in the UK by a leading veterinary ophthalmologist when examining a rescue dog from the Balkans.

Veterinary Vision Helps Dog See – Every Time He Thinks About Food!
A dog who was struggling to see due to a painful eye condition has had his life transformed by a remarkable procedure which re-routes saliva to his eyes whenever he thinks about food.

Tiny Lab Pup Sees for the First Time Thanks to Sight-Saving Op
A tiny Labrador puppy with an eye condition so severe he was set to lose his sight has opened his eyes for the first time thanks to intricate surgery at a renowned Penrith vets.

Talented Nurse Lottie is Top of the Class
We’re proud to say our talented RVN Lottie Helm is officially top of the class!

Eddie's Thorn Removal
Meet Eddie Bishop. Eddie was referred to us as an emergency after a stick impaled his right eye while out on a walk.

New Pricing Update
At Veterinary Vision, we’ve recently carried out a review of our prices. These changes will be implemented from 1st January 2022.

Be Aware of Ticks
Did you know ticks are currently the second most common infectious disease transmitter to both pets and people.

New Clinic Opens
Veterinary Vision is proud to announce the opening of a new dedicated referral only ophthalmic clinic at Charnock Richard.

Amber’s Rabbit advice gets published
Amber Foote, lead nurse at Charnock Richard, has had an article published in this month’s Veterinary Nurse Journal for rabbit awareness month.
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